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Newtral 3 Mouse

by Microtouch

The Newtral 3 Mouse from Microtouch is designed to provide ergonomic support for the palm and thumb. The 33° outward angle of the mouse body helps to reduce pronation of the forearm, a common risk factor for fatigue and pain in the forearm and hand. ...

The Newtral 3 Mouse from Microtouch is designed to provide ergonomic support for the palm and thumb. The 33° outward angle of the mouse body helps to reduce pronation of the forearm, a common risk factor for fatigue and pain in the forearm and hand. The design of the Newtral 3 Mouse encourages individuals to rest their hand on the mouse rather than trying to grip it. The Newtral 3 body is designed to provide an optimal "Precision Grip" for situations where fine control is necessary. The included Balance and Ergo Grip Flanges attach magnetically. The Balance flange elevates the little finger off the surface while the Ergo-Grip flange elevates the side and heel of the hand, as well as the wrist, with an integrated gel pad providing comfortable support. The "Ergo Grip" configuration eliminates the need to maintain a grip on the device. Instead, the hand is held in position by gravity, and moves with the device.

The Newtral 3 Mouse introduces functional revisions and performance changes from its predecessors, the Newtral and Newtral2, while still retaining the ergonomic benefits of the design. The most notable revision is the transfer of the second thumb button to behind the upper button - a more common position than the top/bottom layout of the earlier models. The thumbrest also has a deeper inset that fully sockets the thumb in place. The DPI button projects slightly higher which means it is more easily activated than on the earlier models. Button activation is still crisp and clean. The Ergo Grip Flange has also been enlarged to provide more space for the little finger as well as now supporting the entire heel of the hand. Overall the body of the mouse is slightly more "angular" in design, varying from the curved shape of the earlier models.

The Newtral 3 Mouse is now available for both Right and Left handed applications. Right hand models include Wireless Small, Medium, and Large sizes and a Medium Wired model. The Left hand model is Wireless and available only in the Medium size. Both wired and wireless models offer fingertip access to multiple DPI settings (see detailed specifications for details) enabling users to choose the pointer response best suited to their needs and are fully user programmable (on Windows only).

Use this convenient Sizing Guide to assist in choosing the appropriate size of Newtral 3 Mouse.

La Newtral 3 Mouse de Microtouch est conçu pour offrir un support ergonomique à la paume et au pouce. L'angle extérieur de 33 ° du corps de la souris contribue à réduire la pronation de l'avant-bras, facteur de risque commun de fatigue et de douleur à l'avant-bras et à la main. La conception de la souris Newtral 3 Mouse encourage les utilisateurs à poser leur main sur la souris plutôt que d’essayer de la saisir. Le corps de la Newtral 3 est conçu pour fournir une "prise de précision" optimale dans les situations où un contrôle précis est nécessaire. Le "Ergo Grip Flange" inclus se fixe magnétiquement et élève le côté et le talon de la main, ainsi que le poignet, avec un coussinet en gel intégré offrant un support confortable. Cette configuration "Ergo Grip" élimine le besoin de maintenir une prise sur la souris. Au lieu, la main est maintenue en position par gravité et se déplace avec la souris.

La Newtral 3 Mouse introduit des révisions fonctionnelles et des changements de performances de ses prédécesseurs, Newtral et Newtral2, tout en conservant les avantages ergonomiques de la conception. La révision la plus notable est le transfert du deuxième bouton du pouce à l’arrière du bouton du haut, une position plus commune que la disposition haut / bas des modèles précédents. Le thumbrest a également un insert plus profond qui met complètement le pouce en place. Le bouton DPI projette légèrement plus haut, ce qui signifie qu'il est plus facilement activé que sur les modèles précédents. L'activation des boutons est toujours précis et évident. La "Ergo Grip Flange" a également été agrandie pour offrir plus d’espace au petit doigt et soutenir tout le talon de la main au complet. En général, le corps de la souris est légèrement plus "angulaire" dans sa conception, variant de la forme courbée des modèles précédents. L'option de bride "Balance Grip" du Newtral2 n'est plus présente.

La Newtral 3 Mouse est présentement disponible en taille moyenne avec fil aussi que sans fil. La souris offre un accès du bout des doigts à plusieurs paramètres DPI (voir les spécifications détaillées pour plus de détails), permettant aux utilisateurs de choisir la vitesse du pointeur la mieux adaptée à leurs besoins et entièrement programmable (sous Windows uniquement). Veuillez noter: Autre modèles du Newtral 3 Mouse sera disponible plus tard en 2019.

Voici un Sizing Guide pour aider à choisir la bonne taille de souris Newtral 3 Mouse.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
N300BCMNEWTRAL 3 Mouse, Wired, Medium, Black, Right-Handed$57.50Yes
N300BWSNEWTRAL 3 Mouse, Wireless, Small, Black, Right-Handed DISCONTINUED. $n/aNo
N300BWMNEWTRAL 3 Mouse, Wireless, Medium, Black, Right-Handed$72.50Yes
N300BWLNEWTRAL 3 Mouse, Wireless, Large, Black, Right-Handed$72.50Yes
N300LWMNEWTRAL 3 Mouse, Wireless, Medium, Black, Left-Handed (Includes ONLY the Ergo-Grip Flange)$72.50Yes

Rockstick Mouse

by Microtouch

The Rockstick Mouse offers an ingenious alternative to address the single most repetitive activity while using a computer - generating left mouse clicks. Instead of clicking a button, the user need only 'rock' the 'stick' portion of the mouse (tilti ...

The Rockstick Mouse offers an ingenious alternative to address the single most repetitive activity while using a computer - generating left mouse clicks. Instead of clicking a button, the user need only 'rock' the 'stick' portion of the mouse (tilting it slightly to the left for a left click, and to the right for a right click). Finally, users can mouse without lifting a finger! This makes this mouse a potentially good alternative for individuals with trigger finger, arthritis, or anyone who has difficulty clicking when using the mouse by allowing individuals to use the muscles in their entire hand to click instead of being limited to the strength and endurance of a single finger.

The base of the mouse supports the hand and provides control of the mouse without the need to 'grip' the mouse. The vertical orientation of the Rockstick also eliminates pronation which is the rotation to a palm down position which for some people can also lead to discomfort while mousing.

At the top of the stick is a vertical scroll wheel which can be clicked to generate middle clicks. The Rockstick Mouse comes in two sizes, a Small/Medium size and a Large size, and is corded.

La Rockstick Mouse offre une alternative ingénieuse pour adresser l'activiter du répétition unique pendant l'usage de l'ordinateur - générer les clics gauche du souris. Au lieu de faire le clic avec un bouton, vous avez seulement besoin de faire un mouvement "rock" the "stick" du souris (la pencher ce portion du souris légèrement à la gauche pour avoir un clic gauche, et la pencher à la droite pour avoir un clic droite). Finalement, vous pouvez bouger une souris sans lever un doigt! Cela donne cette souris une alternative potentielle pour des gens avec des mal douleurs trigger finger, ou l'arthrite, ou n'importe qui qui a de la difficulté a faire un clic avec une souris en utilisant le muscle dans le tout de la main pour faire le clic au lieu d'être limiter de force et endurance d'un doigt seul.

La base du souris support la main et offre le control sans le besoin de serré la souris. L'orientation vertical du souris Rockstick vient en deux tailles avec fil, un petit/moyen et un grand.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
RS1201MMicrotouch Rockstick Mouse, Small/Medium Size, Black with Gray Inlay in Base, 800 DPI, PC/Mac compatible, USB DISCONTINUED. CALL. $n/aNo
RS1201LMicrotouch Rockstick Mouse, Large Size, Black with Gray Inlay in Base, 800 DPI, PC/Mac compatible, USB DISCONTINUED. $60.00Yes

Newtral2 Mouse

by Microtouch

The Newtral2 Mouse from Microtouch offers new features and improved performance over its predecessor while still retaining all of the features of the original. Designed to support the palm and thumb, the body of the Newtral2 Mouse encourages users to ...

The Newtral2 Mouse from Microtouch offers new features and improved performance over its predecessor while still retaining all of the features of the original. Designed to support the palm and thumb, the body of the Newtral2 Mouse encourages users to rest their hand on the mouse rather than trying to grip it. The 33° outward angle of the mouse body helps to reduce pronation of the forearm, a common risk factor for fatigue and pain in the forearm and hand.

Three interchangeable flanges provide a surface for the little finger and outer edge of the palm to rest on, reducing friction and drag. The largest flange is a new addition to the Newtral Mouse family. This flange elevates the side and heel of the hand, as well as the wrist, with an integrated gel pad providing comfortable support. This new 'Ergo-Grip' configuration eliminates the need to maintain a grip on the device. Instead, the hand is held in position by gravity, and moves with the device.

The Newtral2 Mouse is available in sizes Large and Medium, and in wired and wireless models. Both wired and wireless models offer fingertip access to multiple DPI settings (see detailed specifications for details) enabling users to choose the pointer response best suited to their needs. The wired model is programmable (on Windows only), and ships with a Windows driver CD to allow users to reprogram all six buttons.

The Newtral2 Mouse is available for right-handed use only. Use this convenient Sizing Guide to assist in choosing the appropriate size of Newtral2 Mouse.
Please Note: The Newtral2 Mouse is now discontinued and has been replaced by the Newtral 3 Mouse.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
N200SWLNewtral2 Mouse, Wireless, Large, Silver DISCONTINUED. CALL. $n/aNo
N200BWMNewtral2 Mouse, Wireless Medium, Black DISCONTINUED. CALL. $n/aNo
N200BWLNewtral2 Mouse, Wireless, Large, Black DISCONTINUED. CALL. $n/aNo
N200SWMNewtral2 Mouse, Wireless Medium, Silver DISCONTINUED. $n/aNo
N200SCMNewtral2 Mouse, Wired, Medium, Silver DISCONTINUED. $65.00Yes
N200BCMNewtral2 Mouse, Wired, Medium, Black DISCONTINUED. $65.00Yes

Rockstick2 Mouse

by Microtouch

The Rockstick2 Mouse retains all of the benefits and functionality of the original Rockstick Mouse but introduces a new design and added capabilities. As with the original Rockstick Mouse, the Rockstick2 addresses one of the most repetitive activitie ...

The Rockstick2 Mouse retains all of the benefits and functionality of the original Rockstick Mouse but introduces a new design and added capabilities. As with the original Rockstick Mouse, the Rockstick2 addresses one of the most repetitive activities of computer use--generating mouse clicks. Rather than using one or two fingers to click a button, the user simply rocks the body of the mouse, tilting it slightly to the left or right to generate a click. The strenth of the entire hand can be used to generate the click, rather than the much more limited strength of the index or middle fingers. This makes the Rockstick Mouse2 a potentially good alternative for individuals with trigger finger or arthritis, or for anyone who has difficulty clicking the buttons on a conventional mouse.

The new design is also ambidextrous, enabling both left- and right-handed users to experience the benefits. The scroll wheel is located on the inside of the mouse, where it can be accessed easily by the thumb. This newest model also features variable DPI and a flange to keep the little finger clear of the worksurface. Two size options (Small/Medium and Large) are available.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
RS200CLMicrotouch Rockstick2 Mouse, Wired, Large DISCONTINUED. CALL. $n/aNo
RS200CMMicrotouch Rockstick2 Mouse, Wired, Medium DISCONTINUED. CALL. $n/aNo
RS200WLMicrotouch Rockstick2 Mouse, Wireless, Large DISCONTINUED. CALL. $n/aNo
RS200WMMicrotouch Rockstick2 Mouse, Wireless, Medium DISCONTINUED. CALL. $n/aNo


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