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Freestyle V3 Pro Accessory Kit

by Kinesis Corporation

The Freestyle V3 Pro Accessory Kit adds a tenting option of 5°, 10°, or 15° to the Freestyle Pro Keyboard. These configurations reduce pronation, allowing the user to move from a palms down typing posture to one where the underside of the palms are n ...

The Freestyle V3 Pro Accessory Kit adds a tenting option of 5°, 10°, or 15° to the Freestyle Pro Keyboard. These configurations reduce pronation, allowing the user to move from a palms down typing posture to one where the underside of the palms are now slightly facing one another. This can significantly reduce the risk of fatigue, stiffness and pain in the wrists and forearms.

The Freestyle V3 Pro Accessory Kit Does Not include Palm Supports. If both Tenting and Palm Supports are desired the Freestyle VIP3 Pro Accessory Kit should be purchased.

Note: The Freestyle V3 Pro Accessory Kit is only compatible with the Freestyle Pro and Freestyle Edge mechanical keyboards (KB9XX Series). It is NOT compatible with the Freestyle2 (KB8XX Series) or Freestyle Solo (KB7XX Series) keyboards.

Le Freestyle VIP3 Pro Premium Accessory Kit ajoute une option d'inclinaison de 5°, 10° ou 15° avec des PREMIUM Palm Supports intégrés aux claviers mécaniques Freestyle Pro, Freestyle Edge, et Freestyle Edge RGB. Les supports de paume (Palm Supports) se fixent directement sur le clavier et se déplacent en tandem lorsque le clavier est ajusté à l'angle d'inclinaison souhaité. Cet accessoire polyvalent réduit la pronation et empêche l'extension du poignet pendant la dactylo, réduisant ainsi le risque de fatigue, de tension et de douleur dans les poignets, les avant-bras et les coudes. Si désiré, les V-Lifters peuvent être enlever indépendamment, sans enlever les supports de paume. Le Freestyle VIP3 Pro Premium Accessory Kit comprend une paire de V-Lifters, de supports de paume (Palm Supports) et de coussinets PREMIUM.

Veuillez noter: Cet accessoire inclus les coussinets PREMIUM Palm Pads qui sont rembourrés en mousse de 3/8po d'épaisseur et recouvert d'un cuir souple. Si les Palm Supports ne sont pas nécessaire et que seulement l'inclinaison est voulu, veuillez considérer le Freestyle V3 Pro Accessory Kit .

Veuillez noter: L'accessoire Freestyle VIP3 Pro Premium Accessory Kit est uniquement compatible avec les claviers mécaniques Freestyle Pro, Freestyle Edge et Freestyle Edge RGB (série KB9XX). Il n'est PAS: compatible avec les claviers Freestyle2 (série KB8XX) ou Freestyle Solo (série KB7XX).

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AC930Freestyle V3 Pro Accessory Kit, Black$40.00Yes

Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Supports Accessory Kit

by Kinesis Corporation

The Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Supports are designed to provide superior palm support for the Freestyle Pro and Edge keyboards manufactured by Kinesis. The palm supports attach directly to the keyboard modules, ensuring that they remain in ideal posi ...

The Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Supports are designed to provide superior palm support for the Freestyle Pro and Edge keyboards manufactured by Kinesis. The palm supports attach directly to the keyboard modules, ensuring that they remain in ideal position regardless of the module placement. The included replaceable palm pads feature 3/8" thick foam padding that elevates the hands to best match the keycap heights on these keyboards. The pads feature a supple leather-like cover that is non-porous, sweat resistant, and hand-washable.

If there is a possibility or consideration that "tenting" of the keyboard modules may be desirable at some point in the future the Freestyle Pro VIP3 Premium Accessory Kit should be considered. This Accessory Kit includes the palm supports with premium pads as well as the lifters required to achieve the 5°, 10° and 15° tenting.

Note: The Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Supports Accessory Kit is only compatible with the Freestyle Pro, Freestyle Edge and Freestyle Edge RGB mechanical keyboards (KB9XX Series). It is NOT compatible with the Freestyle2 (KB8XX Series) or Freestyle Solo (KB7XX Series) keyboards.

Le Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Supports est conçus pour fournir un support de paume supérieur pour les claviers Freestyle Pro et claviers Edge de Kinesis. Les supports de paume se fixent directement sur les deux modules du clavier, garantissant qu'ils restent dans la position idéale quel que soit le placement des modules. Les coussinets de paume remplaçables inclus sont rembourrés en mousse de 3/8po d'épaisseur qui surélève les mains pour mieux correspondre à la hauteur des touches de ces claviers. Les coussinets sont recouverts d'un cuir souple, non poreux, résistant à la transpiration et qui sont lavable à la main.

S'il-y-a une possibiliter ou si c'est considéré dans le future pour avoir les deux moitiers du clavier monter sur une tente, le Freestyle Pro VIP3 Premium Accessory Kit peut être considéré. Cet accessoire inclus les supports de paume avec des coussinets de qualité supérieure ainsi que les lifters nécessaires pour obtenir une inclinaison de 5°, 10° et 15°.

Veuillez noter: L'accessoire Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Supports est uniquement compatible avec les claviers mécaniques Freestyle Pro, Freestyle Edge et Freestyle Edge RGB (série KB9XX). Il n'est PAS compatible avec les claviers Freestyle2 (série KB8XX) ou Freestyle Solo (série KB7XX).

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AC908Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Supports Accessory Kit, One Pair, Black$56.00Yes
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AC900 Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Pads Accessory Kit, One Pair,$37.50 Yes

Freestyle Pro VIP3 Premium Accessory Kit

by Kinesis Corporation

The Freestyle VIP3 Pro Premium Accessory Kit adds a tenting option of 5°, 10° or 15° with integrated PREMIUM Palm Supports to the Freestyle Pro and Freestyle Edge Mechanical Keyboards. The Palm Supports attach directly to the keyboard and move in tan ...

The Freestyle VIP3 Pro Premium Accessory Kit adds a tenting option of 5°, 10° or 15° with integrated PREMIUM Palm Supports to the Freestyle Pro and Freestyle Edge Mechanical Keyboards. The Palm Supports attach directly to the keyboard and move in tandem as the keyboard is adjusted to the desired tenting angle. This versatile add-on reduces pronation and prevents wrist extension while typing, reducing the risk of fatigue, stiffness and pain in the wrists, forearms and elbows. If desired the V-Lifters can be removed independently, without removing the Palm Supports. The Freestyle VIP3 Pro Premium Accessory Kit includes one set each of V-Lifters, Palm Supports, and PREMIUM Palm Pads.
Note: This kit includes PREMIUM Palm pads which have 3/8" thick padding and a leather-like cover.
If Palm Supports are not required and only tenting is desired consider the Freestyle V3 Pro Accessory Kit.

Note: The Freestyle Pro VIP3 Premium Accessory Kit is only compatible with the Freestyle Pro and Freestyle Edge mechanical keyboards (KB9XX Series). It is NOT compatible with the Freestyle2 (KB8XX Series) or Freestyle Solo (KB7XX Series) keyboards.

Le Freestyle VIP3 Pro Premium Accessory Kit ajoute une option d'inclinaison de 5°, 10° ou 15° avec des PREMIUM Palm Supports intégrés aux claviers mécaniques Freestyle Pro, Freestyle Edge, et Freestyle Edge RGB. Les supports de paume (Palm Supports) se fixent directement sur le clavier et se déplacent en tandem lorsque le clavier est ajusté à l'angle d'inclinaison souhaité. Cet accessoire polyvalent réduit la pronation et empêche l'extension du poignet pendant la dactylo, réduisant ainsi le risque de fatigue, de tension et de douleur dans les poignets, les avant-bras et les coudes. Si désiré, les V-Lifters peuvent être enlever indépendamment, sans enlever les supports de paume. Le Freestyle VIP3 Pro Premium Accessory Kit comprend une paire de V-Lifters, de supports de paume (Palm Supports) et de coussinets PREMIUM.

Veuillez noter: Cet accessoire inclus les coussinets PREMIUM Palm Pads qui sont rembourrés en mousse de 3/8po d'épaisseur et recouvert d'un cuir souple. Si les Palm Supports ne sont pas nécessaire et que seulement l'inclinaison est voulu, veuillez considérer le Freestyle V3 Pro Accessory Kit .

Veuillez noter: L'accessoire Freestyle VIP3 Pro Premium Accessory Kit est uniquement compatible avec les claviers mécaniques Freestyle Pro, Freestyle Edge et Freestyle Edge RGB (série KB9XX). Il n'est PAS: compatible avec les claviers Freestyle2 (série KB8XX) ou Freestyle Solo (série KB7XX).

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AC925Freestyle Pro VIP3 Premium Accessory Kit, Black$80.00Yes
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AC900 Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Pads Accessory Kit, One Pair,$37.50 Yes

Freestyle Pro Palm Supports

by Kinesis Corporation

The Freestyle Pro Palm Supports add a support option to prevent wrist extension with the Freestyle Pro Keyboard. The Freestyle Pro Palm Supports includes replaceable Lycra covered Palm Pads that provide a soft yielding surface for the Palm Supports a ...

The Freestyle Pro Palm Supports add a support option to prevent wrist extension with the Freestyle Pro Keyboard. The Freestyle Pro Palm Supports includes replaceable Lycra covered Palm Pads that provide a soft yielding surface for the Palm Supports and help to prevent pinch points on the underside of the palms.

Note: Palm Supports (and Palm Pads) are included as a component on the Freestyle VIP3 Pro Accessory Kit.

Note: TheFreestyle Pro Palm Supports are only compatible with the Freestyle Pro and Freestyle Edge mechanical keyboards (KB9XX Series). It is NOT compatible with the Freestyle2 (KB8XX Series) or Freestyle Solo (KB7XX Series) keyboards.

Le Freestyle Pro Palm Supports ajouter une option de support pour éviter l'extension du poignet avec le clavier Freestyle Pro. Les supports de paume Freestyle Pro incluent des coussinets de paume (remplaçable) en lycra qui offrent une surface doux pour les supports de paume et aident à prévenir les points de pincement sur le dessous des paumes.

Veuillez noter: Palm Supports (et Palm Pads) sont inclus dans le VIP3 Pro Accessory Kit.

Veuillez noter: Le Freestyle Pro Palm Supports sont seulement compatible avec le clavier Freestyle Pro et les claviers mécaniques Freestyle Edge. Ils NE SONT PAS compatible avec les claviers Freestyle2 ni les claviers Freestyle Solo.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AC906Freestyle Pro Palm Supports & Pads, One Pair, Black
Consider the: Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Supports Accessory Kit DISCONTINUED. CALL.

Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Pads Accessory Kit

by Kinesis Corporation

The Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Pads are designed to fit the optional plastic palm supports that are available for the Freestyle Pro keyboard. The 3/8″ thick pads feature a layer of cushioning foam for extra comfort when using a Freestyle keyboard and ...

The Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Pads are designed to fit the optional plastic palm supports that are available for the Freestyle Pro keyboard. The 3/8″ thick pads feature a layer of cushioning foam for extra comfort when using a Freestyle keyboard and are wrapped in a soft leather-like surface that is non-porous, sweat resistant and hand-washable for maximum comfort, performance, and durability. Included with each set of pads are double-sided velcro tabs for mounting the pads to the Freestyle Pro Palm Supports or those included as part of the the Freestyle VIP3 Pro Accessory Kit.

The Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Pads are the same pads that come with the Freestyle Edge RGB and as such can be purchased to replace worn out pads. They can also be used to upgrade the palm supports included with the original Freestyle Edge (blue backlighting model).

Those who have the Freestyle2 Keyboards can also install these pads but they are slightly thicker than the Freestyle2 Palm Pads. While the Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Pads will still fit the Freestyle2 Palm Supports the pads will extend all the way up to the tops of the keys.

Note: Installation of the Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Pads requires that the keyboard either already be equipped with Palm Support Accessories or a compatible accessory that includes palm supports must be purchased.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AC900Freestyle Pro Premium Palm Pads Accessory Kit, One Pair,$37.50Yes

Savant Elite2 Single Action Foot Pedal

by Kinesis Corporation

The Savant Elite2 family of programmable USB foot pedals is available in configurations supporting up to four switches. These switches can be employed to reduce wear on the fingers by offloading repetitive actions such as mouse-clicks or keyboard sho ...

The Savant Elite2 family of programmable USB foot pedals is available in configurations supporting up to four switches. These switches can be employed to reduce wear on the fingers by offloading repetitive actions such as mouse-clicks or keyboard shortcuts to either one or both feet. Programmed to function as modifier keys (such as Shift, Ctrl, or Alt) the switches can also assist in maximizing productivity by facilitating virtually uninterrupted typing. This is accomplished by transferring activation of the modifier functions to the feet.

Commands are also easily customized to create individualized functionality and the switches can be reprogrammed at any time. Savant Elite2 foot pedals are ideal for intensive keying tasks such as programming, data entry, or word processing where repetitive sequences of characters are entered throughout the day.

The Savant Elite2 Single Action Foot Pedal combines a Savant Elite2 Control Module with a single action front-hinged foot pedal and is ideal for situations where space is at a premium or where the pedal needs to be located some distance away from the control unit. The control module connects to the computer with a 9' 6" USB cable, and the foot pedal itself has its own 10' cable with a mini-phono plug to connect to the control module. This control module is actually equipped with two input jacks (mini-phono 0.125"), meaning that an additional foot pedal, hand trigger, or assistive switch can be attached to the second jack. If more than two remote switches are required a module with four inputs (FPMJ4) is also available. See our range of switches in the Switches category.

Savant Elite2 products feature driverless programming for a wide range of operating systems, including Windows 7-10, Mac OS X 10.4+, Android, and Chrome.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
FP10JSavant Elite2 Single Action Foot Pedal (with Control Module)$217.50Yes
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
FS007MP Single Pedal Accessory for Savant Elite2$55.00 Yes

Single Pedal Accessory for Savant Elite2

by Kinesis Corporation

The Single Pedal Accessory for Savant Elite2 is an add-on pedal that must be connected to a programmable (jack-equipped) Savant Elite2 Foot Pedal or to any other programmable control module that can accept a 3.5mm phono plug connector (i.e. the acces ...

The Single Pedal Accessory for Savant Elite2 is an add-on pedal that must be connected to a programmable (jack-equipped) Savant Elite2 Foot Pedal or to any other programmable control module that can accept a 3.5mm phono plug connector (i.e. the accessory pedal is not programmable, has no control module of its own, and cannot be connected to a computer without an appropriate programmable interface.) When connected, the Single Pedal Accessory can be used to generate any command assigned to the associated jack, such as mouse clicks, combination keyboard shortcuts and multi-key macros. When added to an expandable interface that has available connections an additional pedal provides access to a greater number of commands and functions, and assists in further reducing the load on the hands and fingers. This wired pedal can be positioned up to ten feet away from the control module.

The Single Pedal Accessory for Savant Elite2 has a low-profile housing and is hinged at the front. This permits the operator to rest their foot on the pedal with minimum risk of accidental activation. The pedal also features independent tension adjustment to allow each person to personalize the degree of activation resistance, and threaded inserts and adhesive velcro tabs to secure it in place should that be desired.

Note: The Single Pedal Accessory provides no functionality on its own. Command functionality can only be accomplished by connecting this to a programmable Switch Controller, pre-programmed device, or Switch-activated device.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
FS007MPSingle Pedal Accessory for Savant Elite2$55.00Yes

Savant Elite2 Control Module

by Kinesis Corporation

The Savant Elite2 family of programmable USB devices is available in configurations supporting up to four switches. These switches can be used to reduce the strain on the fingers by offloading repetitive actions such as mouse clicks or keyboard short ...

The Savant Elite2 family of programmable USB devices is available in configurations supporting up to four switches. These switches can be used to reduce the strain on the fingers by offloading repetitive actions such as mouse clicks or keyboard shortcuts to alternate means (either one or both feet, non-dominant hands, etc.). Programmed to function as modifier keys (such as Shift, Ctrl, or Alt) the switches can also help to maximize productivity by allowing the individual to continue typing without interruption and to access the modifiers near-simultaneously with the feet.

The Savant Elite2 Control Module from Kinesis Corporation is a programmable interface that can accept input from foot pedals, assistive switches, or hand triggers. It is ideal for situations where there may be a need to have multiple switches spread over an area or where there is a desire for the smallest possible pedal footprint beneath a workstation. The 9.6 foot long USB cable also permits the control module to be positioned at a distance from the computer.

Two models of the Savant Elite2 Control Module are available. One features 2 input jacks for attaching the external switches and is pre-programmed to perform left and right mouse clicks. The second model is equipped to accept up to 4 switches and/or pedals and is pre-programmed to perform the left and right clicks as well as Backspace and a "Thank you," macro. Of course, these can easily be reprogrammed to any specific actions.

The Savant Elite2 Control Module also has driverless programming for a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS X, Android, Linux, or Chrome. Modules come preloaded with Windows and MAC versions of the SmartSet App, a visual programming interface to facilitate quick and simple programming in either of these environments. A simple text editor can be used to program for other alternative operating systems.

Check out our range of switches in the Switches category.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
FPMJ2Savant Elite2 Control Module with 2 Input Jacks SPECIAL ORDER ONLY. $190.00No
FPMJ4Savant Elite2 Control Module with 4 Input Jacks SPECIAL ORDER ONLY. $202.50No
Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
FS007MP Single Pedal Accessory for Savant Elite2$55.00 Yes

Advantage Palm Pads Accessory Kit

by Kinesis Corporation

The Advantage Palm Pads Accessory Kit are replacement Palm Pads for the Advantage2 Contoured Keyboards and their predecessors (Essential/Classic/Professional/Advantage/Advantage Pro Keyboards). The pads are approximately 0.25" thick, made of closed c ...

The Advantage Palm Pads Accessory Kit are replacement Palm Pads for the Advantage2 Contoured Keyboards and their predecessors (Essential/Classic/Professional/Advantage/Advantage Pro Keyboards). The pads are approximately 0.25" thick, made of closed cell foam with a gel-like feel and covered with a smooth Lycra fabric. The pads can be removed easily when replacements are needed.

Note: One pair of Palm Pads is included with the purchase of an Advantage2 Contoured Keyboard.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
AC005PP-BLKAdvantage Palm Pads Accessory Kit, One Pair, Black$24.00Yes

Advantage360 SmartSet Foot Pedal

by Kinesis Corporation

The Advantage360 SmartSet Foot Pedal is a dedicated accessory for Advantage 360 Contoured Keyboard models equipped with the SmartSet App (see note below). It plugs directly into the left module and once the linked function is assigned it operates as ...

The Advantage360 SmartSet Foot Pedal is a dedicated accessory for Advantage 360 Contoured Keyboard models equipped with the SmartSet App (see note below). It plugs directly into the left module and once the linked function is assigned it operates as a extension of the keyboard. Using the SmartSet programming functions typists can assign a single action to be activated with a simple pedal press.

Common applications of this can include any of the following.

  • Access any of the secondary layers in lieu of using the Keypad or Fn key
  • Press-and-hold modifiers (e.g., Shift, Ctrl, Alt)
  • Heavily used keys like Space, Tab, & Enter
  • Harder to reach keys like Escape or F-Keys
  • Single or Double mouse-click
  • Macros

The Advantage360 SmartSet Foot Pedal is constructed of high-strength glass-reinforced ABS plastic for durability. The low-profile housing is hinged at the front to permit typists to rest their foot on the pedal with minimum risk of accidental activation. The pedal also features independent tension adjustment to allow each person to personalize the degree of activation resistance.

Note: The Advantage360 SmartSet Foot Pedal provides no functionality on its own. Programming and connection can only be done on the Advantage360 Contoured Keyboards that include the SmartSet App. The pedal is not compatible with the Advantage360 PRO model.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
FS360Advantage360 SmartSet Foot Pedal$57.50Yes

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