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Orbit Optical Trackball

by Kensington

The Orbit Optical Trackball from Kensington is an ambidextrous alternative to traditional mice which require a constant grip to be used and a larger amount of space on the desktop. The 40 mm trackball utilizes optical tracking for accuracy and is cen ...

The Orbit Optical Trackball from Kensington is an ambidextrous alternative to traditional mice which require a constant grip to be used and a larger amount of space on the desktop. The 40 mm trackball utilizes optical tracking for accuracy and is centrally positioned for ease of movement by the fingers. Left and Right buttons are located adjacent to the ball, with the thumb and pinkie fingers naturally dropping into position over them. The Orbit Optical Trackball is sized to best fit the needs of those with small to average sized hands. Individuals with larger hands may wish to consider one of the larger trackball options.

Note: Those who perform large amounts of scrolling need to be aware that the Orbit Optical Trackball does NOT have a mechanism to perform vertical scrolling and should consider a trackball which includes a dedicated scroll wheel or ring such as the Orbit Optical Trackball with Scroll Ring.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
K64327WWOrbit Optical Trackball NO 30 DAY CSG. $37.50Yes
64327Orbit Optical Trackball
(See New Model #: K64327WW) DISCONTINUED.

Orbit Fusion Wireless Trackball

by Kensington

The Orbit Fusion Wireless Trackball from Kensington features a contoured body that supports the hand in a naturally relaxed position, rotated outwards at approximately 40°. The large 40 mm trackball provides silky-smooth and virtually effortless ...

The Orbit Fusion Wireless Trackball from Kensington features a contoured body that supports the hand in a naturally relaxed position, rotated outwards at approximately 40°. The large 40 mm trackball provides silky-smooth and virtually effortless cursor control and is positioned so that multiple fingers can share the workload. Three DPI settings are available, a fixed 400 DPI for fine control and two dynamic ranges of 400-800 and 800-1500 DPI that respond to the rate of the trackball rotation to provide both speed and control. Speed adjustment is achieved via the thumb switch. A convenient patented light-action detent-free scroll ring around the base of the trackball gives quick access to scrolling and for viewing lengthy documents a quick press of the thumb on the middle-click button converts the trackball to scroll function. On the thumb side are conveniently-placed Left Click, Middle Click, Back and Forward, and DPI buttons. A large right-click button is positioned to the right of the trackball for access by the ring finger.

Since the Orbit Fusion connects wirelessly and can be placed on any surface - even soft or uneven ones, this a great mousing option when working on a Smart TV. The 2.4 GHz wireless receiver connects via USB-A or USB-C (using the included adapter) for laptops or devices that do not include full-size USB ports. Basic functions are available plug-and-play but can also be customized using the KensingtonWorks software (Windows and Mac)

Those who in the past may have used the Microsoft Explorer or Logitech TrackMan Marble FX trackballs may find the Orbit Fusion Wireless Trackball to offer a degree of similarity to these discontinued devices. The overall angle, hand placement and finger control are similar and are now combined with improved overall function and performance.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
K72363WWOrbit Fusion Wireless Trackball, 2.4 GHz NO 30 DAY CSG. $92.50Yes
72363Orbit Fusion Wireless Trackball, 2.4 GHz
See New Part #: K72363WW NO 30 DAY CSG. DISCONTINUED.

Orbit Trackball with Scroll Ring

by Kensington

The Orbit Trackball with Scroll Ring from Kensington is an ambidextrous alternative to traditional mice which require a constant grip to be used and a larger amount of space on the desktop. The 40 mm trackball features optical tracking for accuracy a ...

The Orbit Trackball with Scroll Ring from Kensington is an ambidextrous alternative to traditional mice which require a constant grip to be used and a larger amount of space on the desktop. The 40 mm trackball features optical tracking for accuracy and is centrally positioned for ease of movement by the fingers. Left and Right buttons are located adjacent to the ball, with the thumb and pinkie fingers naturally dropping into position over them. The convenient Scroll Ring surrounds the base of the trackball and provides fingertip control of scrolling, from line-by-line to speeding through pages. The optional TrackballWorks programming software permits customization or reassignment of the buttons and offers advanced scrolling control options.The Orbit Trackball with Scroll Ring is sized to best fit the needs of small to average sized hands. Users with larger hands may wish to consider one of the larger trackball options.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
K72337WWOrbit Trackball with Scroll Ring NO 30 DAY CSG. $55.00Yes
K72337USOrbit Trackball with Scroll Ring
(Replaced by: K72337WW) NO 30 DAY CSG.
72337Orbit Trackball with Scroll Ring
(Replaced by either : K72337US or K72337WW) NO 30 DAY CSG. DISCONTINUED.

Pro Fit Ergo Vertical Wireless Mouse

by Kensington

The Pro Fit Ergo Vertical Wireless Mouse from Kensington presents with a body angle of approximately 47°. A short flange keeps the side of the hand clear of the surface but still permits most of the little finger to make contact during movement. ...

The Pro Fit Ergo Vertical Wireless Mouse from Kensington presents with a body angle of approximately 47°. A short flange keeps the side of the hand clear of the surface but still permits most of the little finger to make contact during movement. This wireless mouse is contoured specifically for right-handed use and operates plug-and-play. However, optional drivers are available for both Windows and Mac OS should one desire to customize the button functions. A convenient DPI switch accommodates quick access to four DPI settings (800, 1000, 1200 and 1600) to accommodate different work requirements. The wireless receiver offers an impressive 20 metre range and can be stored in the underside of the mouse to ensure it isn't misplaced. The scroll wheel is spherical and has a lower protrusion from the body of the mouse than most traditional scroll wheels with rotation being possible using the side of the fingers. Detents provide clear feedback but the smaller diameter of the scroll "sphere" seems to require a greater degree of force than most traditional "wheel" designs.

The size of this mouse means it is best suited for smaller to average sized hands. The body is narrower than most vertical mouse designs, which can lead to a tendency to want to "grip" the mouse which has the potential to lead to exerting unnecessary static grip force.
Note: While being identified by the manufacturer as a "vertical" mouse this angle is substantially less than most other "vertical" mousing products, the majority of which orient the hand well above 60° and therefore much closer to a truly vertical presentation.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
K75501WWPro Fit Ergo Vertical Wireless Mouse NO 30 DAY CSG. $55.00Yes
75501Pro Fit Ergo Vertical Wireless Mouse
(See New Model # Above: K75501WW) NO 30 DAY CSG. NO ETA.

Pro Fit Ergo Wired Keyboard

by Kensington

The Kensington Pro Fit Ergo Wired Keyboard features a winglike design that orients the alphanumeric keys at approximately 11° with the navigation and keypad keys being at 0°. This sloping of the keys reduces pronation of the hands and forearm ...

The Kensington Pro Fit Ergo Wired Keyboard features a winglike design that orients the alphanumeric keys at approximately 11° with the navigation and keypad keys being at 0°. This sloping of the keys reduces pronation of the hands and forearm while typing. The left and right key groups are also splayed outwards at 33° to encourage a more neutral alignment and reduce ulnar deviation at the wrists. The integrated palm support on the Pro Fit Wired Keyboard is just over 3" in depth, and offers cushioning for the palms. It is covered in a leatherette material that is easily cleaned.

The angle and height of the Pro Fit Ergo Wired Keyboard is such that the wrists are supported in a fairly neutral alignment when the elbows are about 1" below the desk surface. For those who would rather sit at a more ergonomic height (i.e. elbows at or just above desk height) and benefit from a slight improvement in wrist alignment there are legs built into the underside of the palm support. When deployed these elevate the front to create a nominal 4° negative slope. When the keyboard is flat the highest point on the keys is 1.4" and with the negative elevation legs deployed the highest point is 1.9".

The island-style keys are fairly quiet but it should be noted that they have a moderately high peak operation force of 55 grams, which over time can cause fatigue and strain on the fingers. As well, the inner columns of keys are wider to create a more appealing look but this can lead to inadvertently striking the keys off-centre. When struck to the edge there is a tendency for these keys to partially bind, thus requiring more force to complete the key activation. This could lead to dropped keystrokes and an overcompensation response of exerting a higher degree of force to ensure activation. With a limited travel distance of just 2.5mm this will likely lead to the fingers impacting at the end of each keystroke.

Le Kensington Pro Fit Ergo Wired Keyboard est en forme d'aile (winglike design) qui oriente les touches alphanumériques à environ 11°, les touches de navigation et du pavé numérique étant à 0°. Cette inclinaison des touches réduit la pronation des mains et des avant-bras pendant la dactylo. Les groupes de touches gauche et droite sont également ébrasés vers l'extérieur à 33° pour favoriser un alignement plus neutre et réduire la déviation ulnaire au niveau des poignets. Le support de paume intégré sur le Pro Fit Wired Keyboard mesure un peu plus de 3po de profondeur et offre un rembourrage pour les paumes. Il est recouvert d'un matériau en similicuir facile à nettoyer.

L'angle et la hauteur du Pro Fit Wired Keyboard sont tels que les poignets sont soutenus dans un alignement relativement neutre lorsque les coudes se trouvent à environ 1po sous la surface du bureau. Pour ceux qui préfèrent s'asseoir à une hauteur plus ergonomique (c'est-à-dire les coudes à la hauteur du bureau ou juste au-dessus) et bénéficier d'une légère amélioration de l'alignement des poignets, il y a des pieds qui sont intégrés sous le support de paume. Lorsqu'ils sont déployés, ils élèvent l'avant pour créer une pente négative nominale de 4°. Lorsque le clavier est à plat, le point le plus haut des touches est à 1.4po et lorsque les pieds d'élévation négative sont déployés, le point le plus haut est à 1.9po.

Les touches de style "island" sont assez silencieuses, mais il devrait être noter qu'elles ont une force de frappe significativement élevée de 55 grammes, ce qui, après un bout de temps, peut causer de la fatigue et des tensions sur les doigts. Également, les colonnes intérieures des touches sont plus larges pour créer un apparance plus intéressant, mais cela peut causer de frapper les touches sur le côté par accident au lieu du centre des touches. Lorsque les touches sont frappées sur le côté, elles ont tendance à se coller partiellement, ce qui nécessite une plus grande force pour compléter l'activation de la touche. Cela peut causer les caractères d'être perdus et une réponse excessive qui nécessite plus de force pour assurer l'activation de la touche. Avec une distance de déplacement limitée à 2.5mm, les doigts risquent d'avoir la vibration/choc de l'impact à la fin de chaque frappe.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
K75400USPro Fit Ergo Wired Keyboard NO 30 DAY CSG. $65.00Yes

Pro Fit Ergo Wireless Keyboard

by Kensington

The Kensington Pro Fit Ergo Wireless Keyboard features a winglike design that orients the alphanumeric keys at approximately 11° with the navigation and keypad keys being at 0°. This sloping of the keys reduces pronation of the hands and fore ...

The Kensington Pro Fit Ergo Wireless Keyboard features a winglike design that orients the alphanumeric keys at approximately 11° with the navigation and keypad keys being at 0°. This sloping of the keys reduces pronation of the hands and forearm while typing. The left and right key groups are also splayed outwards at 33° to encourage a more neutral alignment and reduce ulnar deviation at the wrists. The integrated palm support on the Pro Fit Wireless Keyboard is just over 3" in depth, and offers cushioning for the palms. It is covered in a leatherette material that is easily cleaned.

The angle and height of the Pro Fit Ergo Wireless Keyboard is such that the wrists are supported in a fairly neutral alignment when the elbows are about 1" below the desk surface. For those who would rather sit at a more ergonomic height (i.e. elbows at or just above desk height) and benefit from a slight improvement in wrist alignment there are legs built into the underside of the palm support. When deployed these elevate the front to create a nominal 4° negative slope. When the keyboard is flat the highest point on the keys is 1.4" and with the negative elevation legs deployed the highest point is 1.9".

The island-style keys are fairly quiet but it should be noted that they have a moderately high peak operation force of 55 grams, which over time can cause fatigue and strain on the fingers. As well, the inner columns of keys are wider to create a more appealing look but this can lead to inadvertently striking the keys off-centre. When struck to the edge there is a tendency for these keys to partially bind, thus requiring more force to complete the key activation. This could lead to dropped keystrokes and an overcompensation response of exerting a higher degree of force to ensure activation. With a limited travel distance of just 2.5mm this will likely lead to the fingers impacting at the end of each keystroke.

The Pro Fit Ergo Wireless Keyboard is able to connect either via Bluetooth 4.0LE or the included 2.4GHz wireless receiver (replaceable if lost) which employs 128-bit AES government-grade encryption for security. The connection is switchable via a switch on the underside that also serves as a power switch.

Le Kensington Pro Fit Ergo Wireless Keyboard est en forme d'aile (winglike design) qui oriente les touches alphanumériques à environ 11°, les touches de navigation et du pavé numérique étant à 0°. Cette inclinaison des touches réduit la pronation des mains et des avant-bras pendant la dactylo. Les groupes de touches gauche et droite sont également ébrasés vers l'extérieur à 33° pour favoriser un alignement plus neutre et réduire la déviation ulnaire au niveau des poignets. Le support de paume intégré sur le Pro Fit Wireless Keyboard mesure un peu plus de 3po de profondeur et offre un rembourrage pour les paumes. Il est recouvert d'un matériau en similicuir facile à nettoyer.

L'angle et la hauteur du Pro Fit Wireless Keyboard sont tels que les poignets sont soutenus dans un alignement relativement neutre lorsque les coudes se trouvent à environ 1po sous la surface du bureau. Pour ceux qui préfèrent s'asseoir à une hauteur plus ergonomique (c'est-à-dire les coudes à la hauteur du bureau ou juste au-dessus) et bénéficier d'une légère amélioration de l'alignement des poignets, il y a des pieds qui sont intégrés sous le support de paume. Lorsqu'ils sont déployés, ils élèvent l'avant pour créer une pente négative nominale de 4°. Lorsque le clavier est à plat, le point le plus haut des touches est à 1.4po et lorsque les pieds d'élévation négative sont déployés, le point le plus haut est à 1.9po.

Les touches de style "island" sont assez silencieuses, mais il devrait être noter qu'elles ont une force de frappe significativement élevée de 55 grammes, ce qui, après un bout de temps, peut causer de la fatigue et des tensions sur les doigts. Également, les colonnes intérieures des touches sont plus larges pour créer un apparance plus intéressant, mais cela peut causer de frapper les touches sur le côté par accident au lieu du centre des touches. Lorsque les touches sont frappées sur le côté, elles ont tendance à se coller partiellement, ce qui nécessite une plus grande force pour compléter l'activation de la touche. Cela peut causer les caractères d'être perdus et une réponse excessive qui nécessite plus de force pour assurer l'activation de la touche. Avec une distance de déplacement limitée à 2.5mm, les doigts risquent d'avoir la vibration/choc de l'impact à la fin de chaque frappe.

Le Pro Fit Ergo Wireless Keyboard peut se connecter soit par Bluetooth 4.0LE ou par un clé USB 2,4 GHz inclus (remplaçable si perdu) qui utilise un cryptage AES 128 bits de niveau gouvernemental pour la sécurité. La connexion peut être facilement changer grâce à un bouton situé sous le clavier, qui sert également au bouton Connect/Off.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
K75401USKensington Pro Fit Ergo Wireless Keyboard NO 30 DAY CSG. $75.00Yes

Expert Mouse Wired Trackball

by Kensington

The Expert Mouse Wired Trackball from Kensington is a well-established and proven mousing solution. The large lightweight 55 mm ball features a silky, smooth movement that offers sufficient resistance without straining the fingers. This smooth moveme ...

The Expert Mouse Wired Trackball from Kensington is a well-established and proven mousing solution. The large lightweight 55 mm ball features a silky, smooth movement that offers sufficient resistance without straining the fingers. This smooth movement, combined with Diamond Eye optical technology, ensures precision level cursor control is available for gaming, photo editing, or everyday work. The Expert Mouse Wired Trackball also features a ScrollRing around the base of the ball, giving users easy access to quick scrolling whenever necessary.

Basic mouse click functions are plug-and-play but users also have the option of installing the TrackballWorks software for total customization of the 4 large buttons surrounding the ball. Custom and program-specific commands and macros can be programmed for easy completion without the hand leaving the trackball. The ambidextrous design easily accommodates both right and left-handed use and includes a detachable rest to aid users in maintaining a more ergonomic neutral wrist alignment.

Users who prefer a wireless device may wish to consider the Expert Mouse Wireless Trackball which offers all of the same functionality as the Expert Mouse Optical but with the addition of both Bluetooth and standard 2.4 Ghz wireless freedom.

The Expert Mouse Wired Trackball will fit most hands. However, if a user has a small hand they may wish to consider the Orbit Trackball with Scroll Ring which features a smaller 40 mm trackball and is better suited for smaller hands.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
K64325Expert Mouse Wired Trackball NO 30 DAY CSG. $107.50Yes
64325Expert Mouse Wired Trackball
(See New Model #: K64325) NO 30 DAY CSG. CALL.

Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL Rechargeable Keyboard

by Kensington

The Kensington Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL Rechargeable Keyboard is a tenkeyless layout that features the same winglike design as the full-size Pro Fit models. The alphanumeric keys are oriented at approximately 11° with the navigation and arrow ke ...

The Kensington Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL Rechargeable Keyboard is a tenkeyless layout that features the same winglike design as the full-size Pro Fit models. The alphanumeric keys are oriented at approximately 11° with the navigation and arrow keys being at 0°. This sloping of the keys reduces pronation of the hands and forearm while typing. The left and right key groups are also splayed outwards at 33° to encourage a more neutral alignment and reduce ulnar deviation at the wrists. The integrated palm support on the Pro Fit Ergo KB675 is just over 3" in depth at the middle, and offers cushioning for the palms. It is covered in a leatherette material that is easily cleaned.

The angle and height of the Pro Fit Ergo KB675 tenkeyless keyboard is such that the wrists are supported in a fairly neutral alignment when the elbows are about 1" below the desk surface. For those who would rather sit at a more ergonomic height (i.e. elbows at or just above desk height) and benefit from a slight improvement in wrist alignment there are legs built into the underside of the palm support. When deployed these legs elevate the front to create a nominal 4° negative slope. When the keyboard is flat the highest point on the keys is 1.4" and with the negative elevation legs deployed the highest point is 1.9".
Note: While this keyboard does bear great similarity in appearance to the Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop Keyboard from Microsoft it should be noted that the concave layout of the Microsoft keyboard positioned the hands at a lower point than does the Ergo KB675 which has a convex curve to the key layout. As well, the addition of video conferencing keys at the top moves the hand about 0.75" lower on the keyboard which may cause the right hand to want to slip down and off the palm support.

The island-style keys are topped with flat keycaps that have very distinct edges. The key action is fairly quiet but it should be noted that they have a moderately high peak operation force of 55 grams, which over time can cause fatigue and strain on the fingers. As well, the inner columns of keys are wider to create a more appealing look but this can lead to inadvertently striking the keys off-centre. When struck to the edge there is a tendency for these keys to partially bind, thus requiring more force to complete the key activation. This could lead to dropped keystrokes and an overcompensation response of exerting a higher degree of force to ensure activation. With a limited travel distance of just 2.5 mm this will likely lead to the fingers impacting at the end of each keystroke.

This keyboard includes a bank of 4 dedicated video conferencing keys (End Call, Camera On/Off, Share/Stop Sharing, and Mute On/Off). There are also dedicated keys for Calculator, Search, Show Desktop, and Screen Shot, while the F Keys support Media Control alternate functions. In the middle of the keyboard are RGB Battery Status, Caps Lock, and BT Connection LED indicators. There are 20 programmable keys that can be accessed using the Kensington Konnect software - (PC and Mac options available) - that facilitates Key Mapping, Macro Programming, etc.

The Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL Rechargeable Keyboard is Windows and Mac compatible and is able to connect via either Bluetooth 4.0LE or the included 2.4GHz wireless receiver (replaceable if lost) which employs 128-bit AES government-grade encryption for security. The connection is switchable via the dedicated "Connection" key.

Le Kensington Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL Rechargeable Keyboard est un clavier avec disposition tenkeyless qui présente le même design en forme d'aile (winglike) que les modèles full-size Pro Fit. Les touches alphanumériques sont orientées à environ 11°, tandis que les touches de navigation et les touches fléchées sont à 0°. Cette inclinaison des touches réduit la pronation des mains et des avant-bras pendant la dactylo. Les groupes de touches gauche et droite sont également ébrasés vers l'extérieur à 33° pour favoriser un alignement plus neutre et réduire la déviation ulnaire au niveau des poignets. Le support de paume intégré sur le Pro Fit Ergo KB675 a une profondeur d'un peu plus de 3 pouces au milieu et offre un rembourrage pour les paumes. Il est recouvert d'un matériau en similicuir facile à nettoyer.

L'angle et la hauteur du Pro Fit Ergo KB675 tenkeyless keyboard sont tels que les poignets sont soutenus dans un alignement relativement neutre lorsque les coudes se trouvent à environ 1po sous la surface du bureau. Pour ceux qui préfèrent s'asseoir à une hauteur plus ergonomique (c'est-à-dire les coudes à la hauteur du bureau ou juste au-dessus) et bénéficier d'une légère amélioration de l'alignement des poignets, il y a des pieds qui sont intégrés sous le support de paume. Lorsqu'ils sont déployés, ils élèvent l'avant pour créer une pente négative nominale de 4°. Lorsque le clavier est à plat, le point le plus haut sur les touches est de 1.4po et lorsque les pieds d'élévation négative sont déployés, le point le plus haut est de 1.9po. Veuillez noter: Bien que ce clavier ressemble beaucoup au Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop Keyboard de Microsoft, il doit être noter que la disposition concave du clavier Microsoft positionne les mains à un point plus bas que l'Ergo KB675, dont la disposition des touches présente une courbe convexe. Également, l'addition des touches video conferencing en haut du clavier déplace la main environ 0.75po plus bas sur le clavier, ce qui peut amener la main droite à vouloir glisser vers le bas et n'est plus sur le support de paume.

Les touches de style "island" ont des capuchons plats qui ont des bordures très distincts. Les touches sont assez silencieuses, mais il devrait être noter qu'elles ont une force de frappe significativement élevée de 55 grammes, ce qui, après un bout de temps, peut causer de la fatigue et des tensions sur les doigts. Également, les colonnes intérieures des touches sont plus larges pour créer un apparance plus intéressant, mais cela peut causer de frapper les touches sur le côté par accident au lieu du centre des touches. Lorsque les touches sont frappées sur le côté, elles ont tendance à se coller partiellement, ce qui nécessite une plus grande force pour compléter l'activation de la touche. Cela peut causer les caractères d'être perdus et une réponse excessive qui nécessite plus de force pour assurer l'activation de la touche. Avec une distance de déplacement limitée à 2.5mm, les doigts risquent d'avoir la vibration/choc de l'impact à la fin de chaque frappe.

Ce clavier comprend une banque de 4 touches spécifique au video conferencing (Fin d'appel, Caméra On/Off, Partage/Arrêt du Partage, et Coupure du son On/Off). Il existe également des touches spécifique aux Calculator, Search, Show Desktop, et Screen Shot, tandis que les touches F Keys support les fonctions alternatives des Media Control. Au milieu du clavier se trouvent le RGB Battery Status, Caps Lock, et BT Connection LED indicators. Vingt touches programmables sont accessibles à l'aide du logiciel Kensington Konnect (options PC et Mac disponibles), qui facilite le mappage des touches, la programmation de macros, etc.

Le clavier rechargeable Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL est compatible avec Windows et Mac et peut se connecter soit par Bluetooth 4.0LE ou par sans fil 2.4GHz avec la clé inclus (remplaçable si perdu) qui utilise la technologie Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-128) pour la sécurité. La connexion est switchable par la touche spécifique "Connection".

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
K75491USKensington Pro Fit Ergo KB675 EQ TKL Rechargeable Keyboard NO 30 DAY CSG. $105.00Yes

Pro Fit Ergo Vertical Wireless Trackball

by Kensington

The Pro Fit Ergo Vertical Wireless Trackball from Kensington offers thumb-operated cursor control that eliminates the traditional arm and hand movement required with a traditional mouse. It also moves the hand and forearm away from a prone position b ...

The Pro Fit Ergo Vertical Wireless Trackball from Kensington offers thumb-operated cursor control that eliminates the traditional arm and hand movement required with a traditional mouse. It also moves the hand and forearm away from a prone position by angling the hand outward at 60°. The 34mm trackball offers silky-smooth movement with adjustable optical tracking from 400-1500 DPI. The contoured body provides a support for the hand, naturally positioning the fingers over the right and left buttons. Side scrolling function is provided by a tilting scroll wheel that features crisp detents, conveniently positioned between these buttons to complete the traditional mouse control layout. The index finger has easy access to convenient Back and Forward Buttons for browsing through multiple pages of a document or web page.

The Pro Fit Ergo Vertical Wireless Trackball offers Dual Connectivity that can simultaneously support connections to up to 3 computers or devices (1 via the included 2.4 GHz receiver and up to 2 more via Bluetooth.

As the Pro Fit Ergo Vertical Wireless Trackball places the workload fully upon the thumb, (which on most other trackballs is generally shared by several fingers), anyone who has existing thumb issues would be well-advised to consider alternative solutions.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
K75326WWPro Fit Ergo Vertical Wireless Trackball, 2.4 GHz/Bluetooth DISCONTINUED. CALL. $n/aNo
75326Pro Fit Ergo Vertical Wireless Trackball, 2.4 GHz/Bluetooth
(See New Model #: K75326WW) NO 30 DAY CSG. CALL.

Pro Fit Full Size Mouse

by Kensington

The Pro Fit Full Size Mouse from Kensington is a contoured mouse for right-handed users. This durable USB mouse requires no drivers and comes with a PS/2 adapter. DPI settings can be changed using the switch behind the scroll wheel. Wired and wireles ...

The Pro Fit Full Size Mouse from Kensington is a contoured mouse for right-handed users. This durable USB mouse requires no drivers and comes with a PS/2 adapter. DPI settings can be changed using the switch behind the scroll wheel. Wired and wireless models are available.

Model #DescriptionPriceIn Stock?Buy Now
K72369USPro Fit Full Size Mouse, Wired. NO 30 DAY CSG. $25.00No
72369Pro Fit Full Size Mouse, Wired.
(See New Model # Above: K72369US) CALL.

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